There is no evidence that sexual orientation is biologically determined.  In fact, there is evidence that disproves it. They are called twins.  Since identical twins experience the same hormone bath in the womb and the same DNA, when one twin is gay, both should be gay 100% of the time.  But both are gay less than 15% of the time (11% for men; 14% for women). In fact, non-identical twins are twice as likely to both be gay as identical twins, which can only be explained by environmental factors, not DNA.  At best, sexual orientation may be biologically influenced.  But clearly, the major cause of same-sex attraction is social in nature.  It is nurture, not nature that is the primary cause of sexual orientation.  And sexual orientation is not something that is fixed and unchanging, but changes over time.

And now, there is a report released showing that 49% of young people in the United Kingdom say they are not 100% heterosexual, but experience degrees of same-sex attraction.  And what’s really interesting is seeing how this compares across other age categories:

by age

Either there is something in the water that is causing biological changes in younger people, or one’s sexual orientation is influenced by social factors.  Surely it’s the latter.  As homosexuality has become more acceptable, more people are open to same-sex attraction and exploring same-sex experiences. That’s not to say that all same-sex attraction is culturally influenced. There are other sociological factors as well. One thing is clear, however, and that is that the “born this way” meme needs to die. It’s unscientific. Same-sex attraction (particularly the exclusive form) may feel like it is part and parcel of one’s identity, but those desires are not caused by biology or anything prior to one’s birth. The causes of same-sex attraction are primarily (if not exclusively) social in nature.

See also: