I’ve been discussing the evidence for God’s existence on the podcast for something like seven months. I’ve gone in-depth on a number of important arguments for God’s existence. I just finished up the teleological argument and planned to shift my focus to addressing objections to theism or starting a new series on the resurrection. However, there are still a number of important arguments I want to share, so I’ve decided to continue on with the evidence for God’s existence with a good number of additional arguments including Aquinas’ Five Ways, the ontological argument, the argument from consciousness, the origin of life, free will, human value, etc. I will explore these arguments at a higher level.

Today, I posted a new episode that covers the ontological argument, argument from consciousness, argument from mathematics, and argument from logic. I spent most of my time on the ontological argument because it is the most misunderstood and most difficult of the major arguments for God’s existence. If you have written this argument off in the past, give it a listen. I think it’s a sound argument that provides us with rational proof for many of God’s attributes. Also, be sure to check out William Lane Craig’s short videos on the ontological argument and the argument from mathematics.